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Bulbophyllum fascinator

1 review Write a Review
Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days

Species: Bulbophyllum fascinator

Common name(s):

Native to: Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippines

Temperature preferences: Hot to cool growing

Water preferences: Medium to high moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Epiphytic

General Information and Care: Bulbophyllum fascinator gets its name rightly so due to the amazing flowers it produces! This species is a great terrarium species as it prefers to stay moist and be in warm to hot conditions to do well. Also, it prefers to be mounted, and typically all of the pieces we ship will already be established on the mount that they are shipped on. If you have an area with a little air movement, that will also be greatly appreciated by this species.

Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 6

Shipped Size: Blooming size division, may be mounted or unmounted.

1 Review

  • 5
    Bulbophyllum fascinator

    Posted by Lisa on Mar 10th 2022

    This arrived looking great! Very healthy, I can't wait for it to bloom!