Species: Episcia hibrida 'Taisha' - Nautilocalyx sp.
Common name(s):
Native to: Ecuador
Temperature preferences: Warm growing
Water preferences: Medium to high moisture
Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial
General Information and Care: Episcia hibrida 'Taisha' is an easy to grow newer species to the hobby from Ecuador. This may be a Nautilocalyx sp., the jury is still out on the ID. However, even without a true ID, this is one amazing species. The bullate leaves are just amazing texture to add to your terrarium or vivarium! Add the coloration the leaves have, and this is truly a hard to beat species to add to your collection! Very easy to grow in typical terrarium conditions and has best color in medium to lower light.
Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 3
Shipped Size: Rooted plant that has been grown in a 2.5" pot.