Species: Geogenanthus poeppigii
Common name(s): Seersucker Plant
Native to: Brazil and Peru
Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growing
Water preferences: Medium to high moisture
Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial
General Information and Care: Geogenanthus poeppigii is a medium to small species with leaves typically only reaching 4â when mature. This plant receives its common name due to its resemblance to seersucker fabric. Similar to the other Geogenanthus that Glass Box Tropicals offers, this one prefers high humidity, and medium to bright light. It also does not tolerate drying out. Additionally, it is not free flowering, so it too is propagated typically only by stem cuttings.
Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 7
Shipped Size: Tip cutting with at least 2 fully open leaves