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Peperomia emarginella Costa Rica

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Species: Peperomia emarginella Costa Rica

Common name(s):

Native to: Costa Rica

Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growing

Water preferences: Medium to high moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Epiphytic or Terrestrial

General Information and Care: Peperomia emarginella Costa Rica is a wonderful tiny species. This clone is seemingly one of the easiest and quickest growing in our experience. Very gorgeous small leaves as with all of the others. We have had the best luck growing this epiphytically. This can be done on cork, cypress or ghostwood as long as you use a small bit of sphagnum to get it started and never let it dry out. It also does extremely well on Hygrolon and EpiWeb.

Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 6

Shipped Size: Three tip cuttings each with at least 5 leaves.


1 Review

  • 5
    Peperomia Emarginella

    Posted by Lj on Nov 13th 2021

    Love this little plant for my Vivariums. I start them at the top of the Viv and let them cascade down as they grow. It's more of an accent plant but really completes your Viv! GBT gave me a few pieces, so I was able to put them in more than one Viv. That way if they didn't do good in one Viv I have them in another! The plants I receive from GBT always come in great condition due to the care they take in growing and shipping them.