Species: Philodendron sp. Mini Santiago
Common name(s):
Native to: Ecuador
Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growing
Water preferences: Medium to high moisture
Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial
General Information and Care: Philodendron sp. Mini Santiago is a wonderful very small terrarium suitable species recently collected in Ecuador near the town of Santiago. The leaves do not exceed 1 in length and only tend to get about ½ in width. Additionally, they offer an amazing texture as you can see in some of the macro photos. This species tends to vine and want to climb so it is best to plant it up against a piece of driftwood or cork in your hardscape or somewhere near your background. Overall an easy plant to grow, but not super fast so be patient.
Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 5
Shipped Size: 1 tip cutting with at least 4 leaves.