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Philodendron sp. 'Green Spears'

MSRP: $129.99
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Species: Philodendron sp. 'Green Spears'

Common name(s):

Native to: Peru

Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growing

Water preferences: Medium moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Epiphytic or Terrestrial

General Information and Care: Philodendron sp. 'Green Spears' is another wonderfully small species perfectly sutied for terrarium culture. This Philodendron is from the diverse White Sand forests of the Iquitos region in Peru.  This one will grow compactly and tight against a moss pole or background of some sort.  It prefers lower light intensity.  


Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 3


Shipped Size: Rooted cutting grown in a 2.5" pot