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Pleurothallis microphylla

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Species: Pleurothallis microphylla

Common name(s):

Native to: Mexico, El Salvador, Panama, Nicaragua and Colombia

Temperature preferences: Hot to warm growing

Water preferences: Medium to high moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Epiphytic

General Information and Care: Pleurothallis microphylla is a very small orchid species that Glass Box Tropicals offers. The leaves on this species typically are only about 1cm in diameter. Even though it is very small, it has stunning bright green leaves that under certain lighting can show some minor iridescence. Typically this species is found growing epiphytically on moss covered branches. Thus it prefers to be mounted in an area that is always moist to almost wet. In our experience it also seems to prefer medium to bright light to grow best. Overall this is one of the easier growing miniatures in our experience.

Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 5

Shipped Size: 10-15 leaf division that will be sent bare root.