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Sinningia 'Lil' Georgie'

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Species: Sinningia 'Lil' Georgie'

Common name(s):

Native to:

Temperature preferences: Warm growing

Water preferences: Medium to high moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial or Epiphytic

General Information and Care: Sinningia 'Lil' Georgie' is a micro-mini species. To get this notation, the leaves all stay under 1" even when completely mature. The overall plant may grow to be several inches in diameter, but this is only due to its mounding tendencies. This species prefers medium to high light, and medium to high moisture. It has shown an ability to be grown both epiphytically or terrestrial, and does not seem to show a preference to one or the other. This species has flowers that are dark purple and fade to white with some purple polka dots with a flower throat that is half white and half dark purple. The leaves are small at only about ⅓" in diameter and are green with some dark green markings and some ruffling along the leaf margins.

Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 5


Shipped Size: Will be shipped as a tuber that will need to be planted and grown.