Species: Begonia foliosa
Common name(s):
Native to: Colombia and Venezuela
Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growing
Water preferences: Medium to high moisture
Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial
General Information and Care: Begonia foliosa is one of several extremely small species that Glass Box Tropicals offers. It has tiny serrated leave, 1/4-1/2" in length held up on bright red stems! As it matures, pale pink flowers are produced and the stems begin to arch. Additionally, roots easily emerge from each leaf node making it very easy to propagate in a terrarium. As each stem grows, it naturally branches out to form beautiful fans of dark green leaves held on bright red stems. This species is not commonly offered, but definitely worth adding to any collection!
Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 5
Shipped Size: 1 tip cutting with at least 10 leaves.