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Begonia sizemoreae

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Species: Begonia sizemoreae

Common name(s):

Native to:

Temperature preferences: Warm growing

Water preferences: Medium to high moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial

General Information and Care: Begonia sizemoreae is a beautiful flowering speceis native to Laos and Vietnam. It was discovered growing on a signle mountain in 1996 by Mary Sizemore!


The leaves are what really make this species stand out, deepending on lighting and other growing conditions can get iridescent blues, greens and yellows. The leaves are also covered in a beautiful pubescence that can hold water droplets and really add to the interest! The undersides of the leaves are absolutely stunning too!


It generally prefer medium light to keep the best color and high humidty which is easily provided inside of a terrarium.



Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 4


Shipped Size: Well rooted plant that has been grown in a 2.5" pot.