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Episcia sphalera

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Usually Ships in 1 to 2 Business Days

Species: Episcia sphalera

Common name(s):

Native to: French Guiana

Temperature preferences: Warm growing

Water preferences: Medium to high moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial

General Information and Care: Episcia sphalera is another great Episcia to grow in a terrarium. The foliage is bright green with a beautiful texture. At a mature size, the leaves will be around 3" in length and width. This species also has bright white flowers that really stand out in any terrarium. It is easily propagated through cutting off the plantlets that it will readily produce.

Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 2

Shipped Size: Well rooted plant that has been grown in a 2.5" pot. Will be shipped bareroot.

1 Review

  • 5
    Beutifull, good size,

    Posted by Leticia Perez on Dec 9th 2021

    Nice.. Good condition. Thanks