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Huperzia hystrix

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Species: Huperzia hystrix

Common name(s):

Native to: South America

Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growing

Water preferences: Medium to high moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Epiphytic

General Information and Care:

Huperzia hystrix is a unique, epiphytic clubmoss belonging to the Lycopodiaceae family. It is characterized by its dense, bristly, and slightly arching foliage, which gives it a distinctive, almost porcupine-like appearance—hence the species name hystrix, meaning "hedgehog" or "porcupine" in Latin.

This plant is typically found in humid, montane forests, where it grows on tree trunks or rocks, absorbing moisture and nutrients from the air. Like other Huperzia species, it reproduces via spores rather than seeds, following an ancient reproductive cycle dating back to the age of early land plants.

Huperzia hystrix thrives in humid environments with indirect light, making it a popular choice for terrariums and specialized plant collections. It requires well-draining, mossy substrates or mounting on bark or stone to mimic its natural habitat. Due to its slow growth and specific environmental needs, it is considered a rare and prized species among fern and clubmoss enthusiasts.

Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 6


Shipped Size: Rooted plant in 2.5" pot