CURRENT NEWS: Springtails are in stock! Including new colors!

  • Neoregelia 'Blueberry Muffin' x smithii

    Neoregelia 'Blueberry Muffin' x smithii

    Species: Neoregelia 'Blueberry Muffin' x smithiiCommon name(s): Bromeliad, Neo, BromNative to: Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growingWater preferences: Medium moistureTerrestrial or Epiphytic: EpiphyticGeneral Information and Care: Neoregelia...

  • Monocostus sp. (uniflorus ?) Monocostus sp. (uniflorus ?)

    Monocostus sp. (uniflorus ?)

    Species: Monocostus sp. (uniflorus ?)Common name(s): Native to: Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growingWater preferences: Medium to high moistureTerrestrial or Epiphytic: TerrestrialGeneral Information and Care: Monocostus sp. is a wonderful medium...

  • Sale
    Marcgravia sp. 'Colombia' Marcgravia sp. 'Colombia'

    Marcgravia sp. 'Colombia'

    Species: Marcgravia sp. ‘Colombia’ Common name(s): Shingling Vine, Marcgravia Native to: Temperature preferences: Warm growing Water preferences: Medium moisture Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial General Information and Care:...

    MSRP: $49.99
    Was: $49.99
    Now: $29.99
  • Neoregelia 'Wee Willy'

    Neoregelia 'Wee Willy'

    Species: Neoregelia 'Wee Willy'Common name(s): Bromeliad, Neo, BromNative to: Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growingWater preferences: Medium moistureTerrestrial or Epiphytic: EpiphyticGeneral Information and Care: Neoregelia 'Wee...

  • Microgramma reptans

    Microgramma reptans

    Species: Microgramma reptansCommon name(s): Native to: Bolivia, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and EcuadorTemperature preferences: Warm growingWater preferences: Medium to high moistureTerrestrial or Epiphytic: EpiphyticGeneral Information and Care:...
