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Solanum uleanum

MSRP: $49.99
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Now: $24.99
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Species: Solanum uleanum

Common name(s):

Native to: Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador

Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growing

Water preferences: Medium moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Terrestrial

General Information and Care: Solanum uleanum is an interesting vine that grows well in a terrarium. As a young plant, the leaves are almost neon purple and covered in a very fine pubescence. As the leaves mature, they develop a deep green. This is one of the more stunning Solanum species currently available in the terrarium hobby. The color and leaf shape are what really makes this species stand out.

This species can be challenging to grow. We guarantee it to arrive alive, however we do not guarantee it past the arrival due to its need for high humidity and attention to detail while establishing and growing.


Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 8


Shipped Size: Rooted cutting in 2.5" pot - ready to go into your terrarium and look stunning!