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Microsorum thailandicum

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Species: Microsorum thailandicum

Common name(s):

Native to:

Temperature preferences: Warm growing

Water preferences: Medium to high moisture

Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Epiphytic

General Information and Care:

Microsorum thailandicum is a rare and strikingly beautiful fern species native to Thailand. It is best known for its unique, iridescent blue-green fronds that shimmer under light, making it a sought-after plant among fern enthusiasts and collectors. This epiphytic or lithophytic fern typically grows in humid, shaded environments, such as limestone cliffs and tropical forests.

The fronds of Microsorum thailandicum are elongated, leathery, and deeply veined, contributing to their eye-catching texture. The bluish sheen is due to specialized surface structures that reflect light, giving the plant an almost metallic appearance. Like other Microsorum species, it reproduces via spores found on the underside of its fronds.

Cultivating Microsorum thailandicum requires warm temperatures, high humidity, and indirect light, making it ideal for terrariums or indoor collections. It thrives in well-draining, organic-rich substrates or when mounted on wood or stone with sufficient moisture.

Due to its exotic appeal and limited distribution, Microsorum thailandicum is a prized addition to botanical collections and is highly valued in the horticultural trade.

Glass Box Tropicals Plant Care Rating: 4


Shipped Size: Small plant in a 2.5" pot